Reading Part B: The Giant Crab and Other Tales from Old Idia

In Part B, I decided to pick out the most interesting stories in the The Giant Crab and Other Tales from Old India. 2. Spend a Pound to Win a Penny : This story is about a monkey who is so greedy that he scoops up as many peas as he can while the pea steamers have their backs turned. The catch with the mischievous monkey is that he dropped several of his peas. When he noticed that he dropped one of his peas, he scrambled down the tree and was discovered by the men on their horses. He wasted all his energy on this one pea that he ended the night with no peas. 3. The Cunning Crane and the Crab: This story is about a Crane who lived on the banks of a lake and coerced the fish that he was their savior by carrying them to where "the water as deep and fresh and cool." The Crane was so conniving that he convinced all the fish that he would not eat them; however, he did not convince the Crab. The Crab snipped his head off completely. 8. The Jackal Would A- Wooing G...