Wikipedia Trails: From Yaksha

1. Yaksha: I read about Yakshas in one of my peers' posts. I really though that these spiritual beings were interesting as they are able to shape-shift. I also learned that there are darker versions of Yaksas called bhuta.

2. Bhuta: These are supernatural creatures as well. There are bhutas in every religion; however, they are all represented differently. In the Indian culture, bhutas are restless souls prohibited from entering heaven or hell.

3. Bhuta led me to Pretas: Pretas are invisible mummies that usually travel with demons. These Pretas are usually reincarnated into another body, but they cannot eat or drink.

4. Akasha is the term that encompasses all of the elements and beings from which everything thing is made in the Hindu culture. Akasha means sky and is depicted as a fifth element, sound.


  1. Besides stories, Wikipedia Trails posts are always my favorite ones to read; it’s so interesting seeing how people leap from one subject to the next, especially in a class like this. I’ve never heard of any of the creatures you talked about here, but they all seem really interesting—especially the pretas. It’s crazy how even the little bonus assignments like this one spark so many different retelling options, isn't it?


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